Identity card, passport and registration matters
- Information on identity card, passport and registration matters
- Information on the right to object to data transfers
- Deregistration of a secondary residence
- Auskunft zur steuerlichen Identifikationsnummer (IdNr)
- Applying for a simple registration certificate
- Applying for an extended registration certificate
- Applying for transmission blocks
- Declaration of consent by the legal guardian for the relocation of a minor child
- Declaration of consent to apply for identity documents for a minor child
- Status enquiry about the passport/ID card applied for
- Declaration of loss of an identity document
- (Pre-)registration of a secondary residence
- (Pre)registration of a change of status
- (Pre-)registration of a move
- (Pre-)registration of an influx
- Landlord confirmation
Building authority
Citizen service
- Application to attend a primary school that is not locally responsible
- Application for support and care in the daycare centre
- Application for benefits for education and participation
- Application for reimbursement of catering costs at the daycare centre
- SEPA direct debit mandate for daycare centres and schools
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Financial management
Trade office
- Information on commercial matters
- Application for a licence in accordance with §2 of the Catering Act
- Application for authorisation for temporary catering operations
- Application for market determination
- Security guard licence according to trade regulations
- Permission to install playground equipment
- Confirmation of suitability
- Business registration
- Business deregistration
- Business deregistration
- Broker licence
- Pawnbroker's licence
- Travelling trade licence according to trade regulations
- Gaming arcade licence
- Organisation of a hiking camp
- Auction licence
- Information on commercial matters
Liability claim
Real estate/taxes
Public order office
- Hearing form on the accusation of an administrative offence
- Application for the issue of a certificate (birth/marriage/death certificate if the corresponding register is kept by us)
- Application for an exemption licence in accordance with § 46 Para. 1 No. 11 StVO
- Application for an exemption permit in accordance with § 46 Para. 1 No. 11 StVO for severely disabled persons for the granting of parking concessions in road traffic
- Application for a special use permit in public traffic areas
- Tree felling application
The event
- Checklist for events
- Survey form for events (to be submitted at least 5 weeks before the start of the event)
- Organiser's declaration
- Application for a traffic order to secure a work site on roads
- Checklist for the application for a traffic order
- Application for special use in public traffic areas
- Application for a licence to hold an event on public thoroughfares
- Application for market determination
- Application for authorisation for temporary catering operations
- Checklist for events
Housing benefit
MV service portal