Application for benefits for education and participation

One-day excursions

The authorisation covers the actual expenses for one-day excursions of the school, the after-school care centre, the day care centre and the day carer until the end of the authorisation period. In particular, pocket money is not an actual expense. One-day excursions are generally settled using the education card. If the education card is not accepted, Annex A/F or a payment receipt will serve as proof.

Trips lasting several days

Actual expenses incurred by the school, after-school care centre, day care centre or day carer are eligible. In the case of school and after-school care trips, these must be within the scope of school regulations. Actual expenses are all costs that are directly related to the trip; this does not include pocket money, contributions to the class fund, etc. Annex A/F serves as proof and additionally a payment receipt if no provider account exists.

School transport

The transport costs incurred for attending the nearest school of the chosen course of education are taken into account. If the nearest school of the chosen educational programme is not attended, the maximum costs that can be covered are those that would be incurred by attending the nearest school. The minimum distance to school (shortest distance from home to school) must be exceeded. It is 2 kilometres for grades 1 to 4, 4 kilometres for grades 5 to 12 (Fachgymnasium to 13) and 6 kilometres for vocational schools. Costs covered by third parties must be deducted. The personal contribution of €5 per month will no longer apply from 1 August 2019. Only the cheapest alternative transport option (e.g. monthly tickets) will be approved. The notification from the school administration of the district of Vorpommern-Rügen and a current school certificate are required for processing.

School supplies

The school requirement is granted annually in August of the year in the amount of €100 and in February of the year in the amount of €50. (Increased amounts from August 2019, previously €70 on 1 August and €30 on 1 February. If there is no entitlement to social benefits in the months of August or February - even if it is only for one month - there is no entitlement to the respective school supplies. For recipients of benefits according to SGB II (ALG II recipients), school supplies are provided by the job centre, for recipients of asylum seeker benefits by the social services department with the respective main benefit, without a separate BuT application. Applications for school supplies from recipients of benefits under SGB II or the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act that are received by the Vorpommern-Rügen District Citizens' Service Centre cannot be processed there. A current school certificate is required for school enrolment, change of school and continued school attendance after the age of 15.

Participation in social and cultural life

As part of education and participation, membership fees in the areas of sport, games, culture and socialising, contributions for lessons in artistic subjects and comparable guided cultural education activities as well as participation in leisure activities can be subsidised with a maximum of €15 per month (increased amount from August 2019, previously €10). Billing is generally carried out via the education card. If a provider does not accept the education card, payment receipts for amounts already paid out must be provided. It is possible to save the monthly amounts. This means that the amount saved can also be debited from the education card for an activity or, in exceptional cases, paid out directly.

Communal lunch catering

Eligible for funding is the communal and regular consumption of lunch in daycare centres/schools/after-school care/daycare. Lunch must be the responsibility of the school or the day care centre/day carer. This means that, as a rule, the child must take part in the canteen meal. A substitute service (e.g. kiosk etc.), even if there is no canteen catering, is not eligible for reimbursement. The personal contribution of €1/lunch will no longer apply from 1 August 2019 and will be settled via the education card. Invoices and payment receipts must be submitted for monies already paid.

Learning support

The benefit "supplementary appropriate learning support" must be applied for separately using the application form "Application for benefits for education and participation - here: Learning support" must be applied for separately.

Please note: The application for benefits for education and participation for the municipal day-care centres in Ostseebad Sellin and Ostseebad Mönchgut must be submitted to the district - Specialist Citizens' Service in Bergen auf Rügen.

Please note: The application for benefits for education and participation for the municipal schools in the district (primary school Sellin, primary school Mönchgut, regional school "Tom Beyer" Ostseebad Göhren) must be submitted to the youth welfare office in Bergen auf Rügen.

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