Application for reimbursement of catering costs at the daycare centre

Please note: The application for reimbursement of catering costs in the day-care centre or day-care facility must be submitted to the Youth Welfare Office in Bergen auf Rügen.

Necessary documents

If you are a recipient of the following benefits, please enclose only the relevant notification with your application:

  • Benefits to secure subsistence in accordance with Book II of the Social Code
  • Benefits under the Third and Fourth Chapters of the XIIth Social Code
  • Benefits in accordance with §§ 2 and 3 of the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act
  • Benefits in accordance with § 6a of the Federal Child Benefit Act (child benefit supplement)
  • Benefits under the Housing Benefit Act (housing benefit)

If you do not receive any of the above-mentioned benefits, please enclose a copy of the relevant documents with your application:

  • Employment contract/training contract
  • Proof of salary/training allowance/BAB/BaföG/pension certificate/sickness benefit
  • Unemployment benefit notice I
  • Income from self-employment - business management analyses (BWA) for the last 3 years and income tax assessment for the last 3 years
  • Income from letting and leasing
  • Child benefit notice
  • Maternity benefit
  • Parental allowance notice
  • Maintenance/advance maintenance payment notice
  • Assumption of catering costs by third parties
  • Capital assets
  • Other income
  • Tenancy agreement/current rent
  • for residential property (property tax assessment, monthly interest charges, homeowners' insurance, water, rubbish, etc.)
  • Insurance (personal liability, household contents, subsidised pension scheme, accident, health and long-term care insurance)
  • Proof of travel between home and place of work:
    1. by car (one-way journey in kilometres)
    2. by public transport (proof of ticket, monthly pass)
  • special loads:
    1. Maintenance obligations
    2. Loan for unavoidable purchase

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