Temporary fishing licence (tourist fishing licence)

Fishing licences are compulsory for fishing in all waters of the state of M-V - this applies from the age of 14. Children under the age of 14 do not require a fishing licence to fish, only a fishing permit (water permit).

The temporary fishing licence (tourist fishing licence) is issued for a period of 28 days with the corresponding fishing tax stamp (annual stamp). This can be extended (also several times) in the calendar year on presentation of the document of first issue. Applicants can be citizens of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, other federal states or other countries.

In addition, every angler must have a fishing licence (water permit), which is available for specific waters as a daily, weekly or annual permit.

There are no free fishing waters in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern!

In M-V you need the following documents for fishing:
Fishing licence, proof of payment of the fishing tax, fishing permit (water map)

Necessary documents

  • Identity document

Fishing licence fees

  • 14.00 € Temporary fishing licence (tourist fishing licence, 28 days)
  • 13.00 € Temporary fishing licence (tourist fishing licence, 28 days) as a digital document
  • 10.00 € fishing tax stamp (annual stamp)
  • 13.00 € Extension of the temporary fishing licence (tourist fishing licence)

Fishing licence fees (water permit)

  • 6,00 € Day ticket
  • 12,00 € Weekly ticket
  • 30,00 € Annual pass
  • 10.00 € Annual pass for children and young people (up to 16 years)
  • 10.00 € Annual pass for people with a disabled person's pass (from 50 %)

Digitisation of fishing documents

Until now, proof of payment of the fishing tax, which is required for the validity of the fishing licence in the respective calendar year, could only be purchased from the local regulatory authorities and the issuing offices involved as an adhesive sticker for the fishing licence. From 10 December 2024, the purchase is now also possible digitally. In addition to fishing licences for coastal waters, proof of payment of the fishing tax can also be purchased from the comfort of your own home at the online shop provided by the higher fishing authority at https://erlaubnis.angeln-mv.de/ without having to visit the authorities. The proof of payment of the fishing tax is then issued digitally as a pdf document and can be printed out or carried electronically on a smartphone. If the document is lost, it can be requested again from the LALLF MV. Fishing without proof of a valid fishing levy for the calendar year is an administrative offence and will be reported to the fisheries inspectorate and the water police.

At the same time as the digital payment of the fishing tax, the tourist fishing licence has also been digitised. Anyone who does not yet have a fishing licence but would like to try out this hobby can also apply for a 28-day fishing licence from home and receive it by email without going through the authorities. Holders of the digital tourist fishing licence must download and carefully read the instructions for acquiring a minimum level of expertise in the areas of fishing, animal welfare and nature conservation(https://www.lallf.de/fischerei/angelfischerei/touristenfischereischein/).

Legal basis

  • State Fishing Act - LFischG M-V
  • § Section 7 LFischG M-V
  • § 1 to 6 FSchVO M-V

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