Information in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR

Identity card, passport and registration office Mönchgut-Granitz

Information for those affected - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Responsible person(s)

Office Mönchgut-Granitz Identity card, passport and registration office Göhrener Weg 1
18586 Ostseebad BaabeTelefon: 038303 / 16412

Responsible body

Amt Mönchgut-Granitz GDPR Officer Göhrener Weg 1
18586 Ostseebad BaabeTelefon: 038303 / 163

Data Protection Officer

Joint Data Protection Officer Zweckverband Elektronische Verwaltung in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (eGo-MV) Eckdrift 103
19061 SchwerinTelefon: 0385 / 77334751

Data subject rights in accordance with Article 12 of the GDPR must be asserted with the above-mentioned controller or the supervisory authorities responsible for data protection in the country.

Standardised federal regulations

Data collection and forwarding

The registration authorities must collect personal data on the persons (residents) living in their area of responsibility in order to establish and verify their identity and residential addresses. The legal basis for the processing activities is derived from the Federal Registration Act, the registration laws of the federal states and the federal and state ordinances on regular data transfers by the registration authorities.

The registration authorities may only provide civil register information to private third parties or transfer it to public bodies in accordance with these laws or other legal provisions. There is a right of objection to certain information from the register of residents (e.g. information from the register of residents to address book publishers).

In addition to the specific regular data transfers to public bodies, as detailed below, further data transfers may also take place in individual cases. For example, so-called "inventory data" is also transmitted to individual specific data recipients (authorities) on the basis of the Census Act 2022, the Register Modernisation Act, the Interstate Broadcasting Contribution Treaty, the Residence Ordinance, the Tax Code or other laws and federal standards. The transfer of this data with personal reference to precisely described groups of people (e.g. all persons with a main or sole residence in the area of a registration register, all persons with a tax identification number, all foreign persons with a third-country nationality) is carried out strictly in accordance with legal requirements. These data transfers are then also carried out on a one-off basis or at intervals of several years. In these cases, the initiating authorities are the registration authorities. The receiving authorities are usually federal authorities or other authorities specified in the respective standards. In the absence of a legal standard, no personal data is initiated or processed by the registration authority.

The passport/ID card authorities record your personal data in registers and files for the purpose of issuing German identity documents such as passports and ID cards (including name, date and place of birth, photograph, signature) and transmit this data to the document manufacturer, Bundesdruckerei GmbH, for the production of the documents. In the Federal Republic of Germany, identification is compulsory, which is why every German over the age of 16 must have either an identity card or a passport. In addition, a valid identity document that complies with the relevant entry regulations must be carried each time you cross the border.

The legal basis for the processing activities is derived from the Passport Act and the Act on Identity Cards and Electronic Proof of Identity.

The data of the passport/ID card authorities may only be disclosed to other authorities and only if this is permitted by law.

Retention periods for personal data

The registration authorities must generally retain the stored data of a resident for 5 years after their departure or death. After these five years, some of the data must be stored separately for a further 50 years. For some of the data, a deletion period of 30 days applies after the resident's departure or death.

The personal data recorded in passport/ID card registers must be stored in accordance with the statutory regulations. The personal data stored for a document shall be deleted no later than five years after the expiry of the document's period of validity. The mandatory or optional fingerprints to be submitted to the passport/ID card authorities for the purpose of issuing identity documents must be deleted at the latest after the document has been issued.

Rights of data subjects

At this point, we expressly draw your attention to your rights to request information, correction, deletion and restriction of processing with regard to your stored or processed personal data and to object to the transfer of data to third parties. The legal basis for this is Art. 15 to 21 GDPR. If you have expressly consented to the processing of selected personal data, you can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.

Every person affected by data processing has the following rights in particular under the GDPR:

  • Right to information about all personal data stored about you and its processing (Article 15 GDPR).
  • Right to data rectification if your data is incorrect or incomplete (Article 16 GDPR).
  • Right to erasure of personal data stored about them, provided that the necessary requirements are met (Article 17 GDPR). In addition to the exceptions mentioned in Article 17 (3) GDPR, the right to erasure of personal data does not exist if erasure is not possible or only possible with disproportionate effort due to the special type of storage. In these cases, the restriction of processing pursuant to Article 18 GDPR takes the place of erasure.
  • Right to restriction of data processing if the data has been processed unlawfully, the data is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims of the data subject or, in the event of an objection, it has not yet been established whether the interests of the registration authority outweigh those of the data subject (Article 18(1)(b), (c) and (d) GDPR). If the accuracy of the personal data is disputed, there is a right to restriction of processing for the duration of the accuracy check.
  • Right to object to certain data processing, provided that there is no overriding public interest in the processing that outweighs the interests of the data subject and provided that there is no legal obligation to process this data (Article 21 GDPR).

Further information on the right of objection under the Federal Registration Act can be found in the information on the registration form.

Right of cancellation after consent

The transfer of personal data for the purposes of advertising or address trading is only permitted if the data subject has given their consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR). Consent may be withdrawn at any time from the body to which consent was previously given in accordance with Article 7(3) GDPR.

Information in accordance with Article 15 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) in conjunction with Section 10 of the Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Stored data

(1) Register of residents (incl. electoral component)

  • Family name
  • former names
  • First names with labelling of the common first name
  • Doctoral degree
  • Order and artist names
  • Date and place of birth, also the country if born abroad
  • Gender
  • Date and place of death, also the country in the event of death abroad
  • Current nationalities
  • Legal affiliation to a religious organisation under public law
  • Information and transmission blocks
  • Legal representatives (first and last names, doctor's degree, address, date of birth, gender, date of death, information blocking pursuant to § 51 BMG)
  • current addresses, previous addresses in the area of responsibility of the registration authority as well as the address of the last sole residence or main residence and the last secondary residence outside the area of responsibility of the registration authority, labelled according to main and secondary residence, in the case of moving in from abroad also the state and the last address in Germany, in the case of moving abroad also the address abroad and the state
  • Date of moving in, date of moving out, date of last departure abroad from a home in Germany and date of last move in from abroad
  • Marital status, for married persons or civil partners additionally the date and place of marriage or establishment of the civil partnership, in the case of marriage or establishment of a civil partnership abroad also the state
  • Spouse or civil partner (first and last names, maiden name, doctorate, date of birth, gender, address, date of death, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG)
  • underage children (first name and surname, date of birth, gender, address, date of death, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG)
  • Issuing authority, date, period of validity and serial number of the valid ID card/passport/eID card as well as blocking password and blocking amount of the ID card/eID card
  • AZR number

(2) In addition to the data referred to in paragraph 1, the registration authorities shall store the following data in the population register, including the information required to prove its accuracy:

  • for the preparation and conduct of elections and votes at state and municipal level, the fact that the person concerned:
    1. is excluded from the right to vote or eligibility for election
    2. as a citizen of the Union (Section 6 (3) sentence 1 of the European Elections Act) is to be entered ex officio in an electoral roll in Germany for the European Parliament election; the regional authority or constituency in the EU Member State of origin where he or she was last entered in an electoral roll is also to be recorded
  • for the purposes of Section 139b (2) of the German Fiscal Code, the identification number pursuant to Section 139b of the German Fiscal Code or, until it is stored in the population register, the temporary processing feature pursuant to Section 139b (6) sentence 2 of the German Fiscal Code
  • for the procedure for the creation and application of electronic wage tax deduction features in accordance with Section 39e (2) sentences 2 and 3 of the Income Tax Act:
    1. affiliation to a tax-collecting religious organisation and the date of joining or leaving the organisation
    2. the marital status
    3. the date of the establishment or dissolution of the marriage or civil partnership
    4. the identification numbers or provisional processing details of the spouse or partner and minor children who have their sole or main residence in the area of responsibility of the same registration authority
  • for the issue of identity cards and passports, the fact that there are grounds for refusing a passport, that a passport has been refused or withdrawn or that an order has been issued in accordance with Section 6 (7) of the Identity Card Act
  • for proceedings under nationality law, the fact that a loss of German nationality may occur under Section 29 of the Nationality Act
  • for the firearms procedure, the fact that a firearms licence has been issued and the authority notifying this fact, stating the date of first issue
  • for explosives law procedures, the fact that an explosives licence or a certificate of competence has been issued in accordance with Section 20 of the Explosives Act and the authority notifying this fact, stating the date on which it was first issued
  • to respond to residence enquiries from other authorities and other public bodies, if the resident has given up the residence and the registration authority is not aware of a new residence, the request for data transmission with the date of the enquiry and the details of the enquiring body for a period of up to two years
  • the name and address of the owner of the dwelling and, if the owner is not the landlord, also the name and address of the landlord, in order to check whether the information provided by the person subject to the registration obligation is correct and to guarantee the rights to information in Section 19 (1) sentence 3 BMG and Section 50 (4) BMG
  • in the case of military service and defence, the fact that a resident has already been registered prior to the registration of their year of birth
  • for the preparation of election notifications, additionally type of election, electoral area (electoral district, polling station, electoral district, number in the electoral roll) and procedural instructions for the election notifications
  • procedural notes

(3) Passport and identity card register

  • Photograph
  • Signature
  • Surname and maiden name
  • First names
  • Doctoral degree
  • Date and place of birth
  • Size
  • Colour of the eyes
  • address
  • Nationality
  • Surname, first names, date of birth and signatures of legal representatives, if applicable
  • Serial number
  • Blocking password and blocking sum
  • last day of validity, issuing authority
  • Notes on orders in accordance with § 6 PAuswG or §§ 7, 8 and 10 PassG
  • Information on declaration obligations according to § 29 StAG
  • The fact that the eID functionality of the ID card is switched off or the ID card is entered in the blacklist
  • Order and artist name
  • Proof of authorisations granted in accordance with § 8 PAuswG or § 19 PassG
  • procedural notes

Recipients of regular data transfers - Right of access

In accordance with Section 10 BMG and the provisions of Article 15 GDPR, you also have the right to find out from the registration, passport and ID authority which data recipients have received data from you regularly or on the basis of enquiries, what type of data this was, and for what purpose (with reference to the relevant legal bases) both the storage and possible regular data transfers took place. The recipients to whom personal data is transmitted under federal law (including federal data transmission regulations, Federal Registration Act, Residence Ordinance, Cancer Registry Act, Interstate Broadcasting Contribution Treaty, Weapons Act, Explosives Ordinance, Identity Card Act, Passport Act) or state law on an ad hoc or case-related basis are listed below. In addition, where necessary, the types of data that may be transferred are listed.

Ordinance on the Implementation of Regular Data Transmission between Reporting Authorities - First Federal Reporting Data Transmission Ordinance (1. BMeldDÜV)

§ 4 Automated call-off procedure for registration (pre-filled registration form)

(1) The following data shall be transmitted by the registration authority of the new residence to the registration authority of the previous residence in the re-registration process: Surname, maiden name; first names, identifying the common first name, doctoral degree, religious name, stage name, date of birth, place of birth and, if born abroad, also the state, gender, for the legal representative: Surname, first names, doctor's degree, address, date of birth, gender, current nationalities, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG, legal affiliation to a religious organisation under public law, current addresses and address of the last sole residence or main residence, main and secondary residence, if moving from abroad, also the last address in Germany, date of moving in, date of moving out, marital status, in the case of married persons or persons in a civil partnership, date and place of marriage or establishment of civil partnership and, in the case of marriage or establishment of civil partnership abroad, also the country of the spouse or civil partner: Surname, first names, maiden name, doctor's degree, date of birth, gender, current addresses within the jurisdiction of the registration authority as well as the address of the last sole residence or main residence outside the jurisdiction of the registration authority, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG, for underage children: Surname, first names, date of birth, gender, address in Germany, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG, issuing authority, date of issue, last day of validity and serial number of the identity card, recognised and valid passport or passport replacement document, information and transmission blocks.

(2) Pursuant to § 23 Para. 4 Sentence 2 BMG, the registration authority must record the following data for the pre-filled registration form and transmit it to the departure registration authority: Surname, first names, date of birth, address at the departure registration authority.

§ 7 Evaluation of the feedback and updating

The re-registration is analysed by the departure registration authority of the sole or main residence when registering a sole or main residence, by the registration authority of the main residence when registering a secondary residence or by the last domestic registration authority in the case of a new arrival from abroad. If the new dwelling is the sole dwelling or the main dwelling of the person who has moved in, the departure registration authority shall inform the move-in registration authority immediately, but no later than three working days after receipt of the re-registration, whether there are facts pursuant to Section 3 (2) Nos. 1, 2 (d), Nos. 3 to 5, 7, 8 and 11 BMG. It shall also transmit the blocking password and the blocking number of the ID card to the registration authority in accordance with § 3 Para. 1 No. 17 BMG. If the new home is a secondary residence of the person who has moved in, the registration authority of the sole or main residence shall inform the newcomer registration authority immediately, but no later than three working days after receipt of the re-registration, whether there are any facts pursuant to Section 3 (2) Nos. 7 and 8 BMG. In the cases of § 3 Para. 2 Nos. 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 BMG, the departure registration authority must also provide the move-in registration authority with the information required to prove the accuracy of this data, insofar as the information is stored in the registration register.

Ordinance on the Implementation of Regular Data Transmission by the Registration Authorities to Federal Authorities or Other Public Bodies - Second Federal Reporting Data Transmission Ordinance (2nd BMeldDÜV)

§ 4 Data transfer to the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management

The following data on persons with German citizenship who will come of age in the coming year are transmitted annually by 31 March: Surname, first names, current address. The data will not be transmitted if the person concerned has objected to this in accordance with Section 36 (2) BMG.

§ 5 Data transmission to the family funds of the Federal Employment Agency

The following data must be submitted once a year by 20 October by persons for whom data on underage children is also stored, based on the status of the population register on 20 September of the same year: Surname, maiden name, first names, date of birth, current address and date of moving in. For minors registered with the above-mentioned persons, the following data must be transmitted in accordance with Section 5 (2) of the 2nd BMeldDÜV: Surname, first names, date of birth and, if applicable, date of death.

§ Section 6 Data transmission to the data centre of the pension insurance institutions

After recording a birth, the first registration of a person for other reasons, a change of name, a change of address, gender, doctorate, date of birth, place of birth, marriage, the establishment of a civil partnership or a death, the following data will be transmitted immediately: Surname, former surnames, first names, doctorate, date, place and country of birth, gender, current address (including previous address if moving house), date of marriage or civil partnership, date of death.

In addition to the notification of the birth of the child, the registration authorities transmit a notification of the mother with the corresponding data (as above) and, in the case of multiple births, the number of children born, otherwise the number 1. In the event of death, the registration authorities transmit the following data of the spouse or partner to the data centre of the pension insurance institution in addition to the above data: surname, first names, date of birth, current address of the sole or main residence.

§ Section 7 Data transmission to the Federal Central Criminal Register

After a name change or change of date of birth, the registration authorities transmit the following to the Federal Central Criminal Register: surname, previous surnames, first names, date, place and country of birth, current address, date and name and reference number of the authority that ordered the name change. In the event of a change of date of birth, the previous dates of birth must also be transmitted.

§ 8 Data transmission to the Federal Motor Transport Authority

After a change of birth name or a first name of a person who has reached the age of 14, the registration authorities transmit the following information Surname, maiden name, first names, date, place and country of birth, gender, date, name and reference number of the authority that ordered the name change. In the event of a change of maiden name, the previous maiden name must also be submitted.

§ 9 Data transmission to the Federal Central Tax Office

The registration authorities transmit the following data after recording a birth or death, after recording a person for the first time for other reasons or after recording a name change, a change of address, gender, doctorate, date of birth or place of birth: Surname, maiden name, first names, doctorate, date, place and country of birth, gender, current address, date of moving in and out, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG, date of death, tax identification number or provisional processing feature.

In the event of a change to the aforementioned data and information, the registration authorities transmit the following data, stating the tax identification number and date of birth: legal affiliation to a tax-collecting religious organisation and the associated date of joining or leaving, marital status, date of marriage or establishment of a civil partnership, tax identification number or provisional processing reference of the spouse or civil partner, tax identification number or provisional processing reference of the child (if the child is registered in the local area of responsibility of the same registration authority).

§ Section 10 Data transmission to the Federal Office of Administration

By the tenth day of the calendar month preceding the month in which the person concerned reaches the age of 18, the registration authorities shall transmit the following data of a person who has moved abroad and is at risk of losing German citizenship: surname, former surnames, first names, date, place and country of birth, gender, last address in Germany, address and country abroad, date of departure, possible option feature pursuant to Section 29 of the Citizenship Act. The registration authority with which a person subject to declaration within the meaning of Section 29 (1) of the Citizenship Act who is 18 but not yet 23 years old has registered as coming from abroad transmits the following data: Surname, previous surnames, first names, date, place and country of birth, gender, current and last previous address in Germany with date of departure abroad, country of immigration, possible option feature in accordance with Section 29 of the Citizenship Act.

Act on the Statistics of Population Movement and the Updating of the Population Status - Population Statistics Act (BevStatG)

§ 4 Migration statistics

The registration authorities transmit the following data to the statistical offices of the federal states upon registration, deregistration and change of residential status: Move-in and move-out data, date of change of status, new residential address, residential status, gender, date of birth, place of birth, country of birth, marital status, legal affiliation to a religious organisation, nationality; in the case of registration and deregistration, the date of the last move in from abroad or move out abroad may also be transmitted.

§ 5 Population update

The registration authorities transmit the following data to the statistical offices of the federal states in the event of acquisition of German citizenship, unless acquired by birth, loss of German citizenship, divorce, cancellation of a marriage or civil partnership: Place of residence, gender, date, place and country of birth, marital status, date of acquisition or loss of German citizenship, newly acquired or previous citizenship.

Federal Registration Act (BMG)

Data transfer to private third parties

Type of data: legally authorised data from the population register to fulfil the tasks specified in Sections 44 and 45 BMG (simple and extended population register information)

Data transfer to authorities or other public bodies (on request / enquiry)

Type of data: legally authorised data from the population register to fulfil the tasks specified in Section 34 BMG (information from authorities)

Data transmission to housing providers

Type of data: legally authorised data from the residents' register to fulfil the tasks specified in § 50 Para. 4 BMG (landlord information)

§ Section 42 Data transfer to religious organisations under public law

The registration authorities regularly transmit the following data to the public religious organisations: Surname, former surnames, first names, doctorate, religious and artist name, date, place and country of birth, gender, nationalities, details of the registered religious organisation, addresses, date of moving in and out, marital status (limited to whether married or in a civil partnership or not), number of children, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG, date of death, place and country of birth, date of birth, place of birth, country of birth, gender civil partnership or not), number of children, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG, date, place and country of death, details of legal representatives (surname, first names, doctor's degree, date of birth, gender, address, date of death, information blocks in accordance with § 51 BMG).

Residence Ordinance (AufenthV)

§ Section 72 Notifications by the registration authorities

The registration authorities inform the immigration authorities of the following data when registering, deregistering or changing the main residence, when marrying or entering into a civil partnership, when divorcing, declaring the marriage null and void or dissolving the civil partnership, when changing the name, changing or correcting the relationship under nationality law, when a foreigner is born or dies: Family name, previous names, first names, date, place and country of birth, nationality, address, doctorate, gender, marital status, details of legal representative (family name, first names, date of birth, address), date of moving in, previous address, document details (passport type, issuing authority, passport number, expiry date), date of moving out, new address, date of the start or end of a marriage or the establishment of a civil partnership, date of death.

Interstate Broadcasting Treaty

ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio contribution service on behalf of the state broadcasters

Data is transmitted to the respective state broadcasting organisation by the registration authority of the main residence, sole residence or secondary residence that is or was currently responsible for an adult data subject on the following occasions: registration, deregistration and death: Surname, former surnames, first names, doctor's degree, date of birth, addresses (main and secondary residences), country of residence, date of moving in and out, marital status, date of death.

Weapons Act (WaffG)

§ Section 44 Transmission to and from registration authorities

The authority responsible for issuing a firearms licence shall notify the registration authority responsible for the applicant of the first issue of a licence. It shall also inform this authority if a person no longer holds a firearms licence. The registration authorities shall inform the weapons licence authorities of changes of name, moving in, moving out, change of residential status and death of residents for whom the existence of a weapons licence is recorded.

Law on Explosive Substances - Explosives Act (SprengG)

§ Section 39a Data transmission to and from registration authorities

The authority responsible for issuing an explosives licence shall notify the registration authority responsible for the applicant of the first issue of a licence. It shall also inform this authority if a person no longer holds an explosives licence. If a person holds a permit on 1 September 2005, the notification should be made within three years. The registration authorities shall notify the authorities responsible for issuing an explosives licence of changes of name, departure and death of the resident for whom the existence of an explosives licence is recorded. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to holders of a certificate of competence in accordance with § 20.

Identity Card Act and Passport Act

Data recipient: ID card or passport manufacturer (Bundesdruckerei)

Type of data: legally authorised data from the passport or ID card register and required procedural reference data for application processing for the ID card or passport manufacturer for the production of ID cards and passports in accordance with Section 8 of the ID Card Ordinance or Section 3 of the Passport Data Collection and Transmission Ordinance

Data recipients: other identity card or passport authorities

Type of data: legally authorised data from the passport or ID card register for recording and updating the register data of the ID card or passport register in accordance with Sections 8, 10 and 11 PAuswG or Section 19 PassG

Data recipient: Blocking list operator - Federal Office of Administration (BVA)

Type of data: legally authorised data from the ID card register for maintaining the blocked list for ID cards in accordance with Sections 7 and 10 PAuswG

Data recipients: Police and regulatory authorities

Type of data: legally authorised data from the passport or ID card register to fulfil their tasks in accordance with Sections 11 and 25 PAuswG or Sections 22 and 22a PassG

Central Aliens Register Act (AZRG)

§ Section 18e Data transmission to the registration authorities

In order to fulfil its tasks in the cases of Section 2 (1a) and (2) (1), the AZR number, the current address in the federal territory and transmission blocks shall be transmitted to the competent registration authority in an automated procedure immediately after accommodation in a reception centre in addition to the basic personal data for the purpose of clear assignment only, for foreigners who are not Union citizens entitled to freedom of movement. Changes to this data are also transmitted. If the current address in Germany changes, the address prior to the change must also be transmitted.

Act on the Testing of Register Census Procedures (RegZensErpG)

§ 4 Data of the registration authorities

(1) The authorities responsible for the registration system under federal state law (registration authorities) shall transmit data on the following characteristics to the statistical offices of the federal states for the purpose of compiling supplementary population statistics from 31 December 2023 to 31 December 2028 for each person registered as having their sole or main residence on 31 December of each year:

  • Organisational feature in the population register
  • Family name
  • former names
  • First names and first names before change
  • Doctoral degree
  • Street
  • Street key
  • House number
  • Address additions
  • Place of residence
  • Postcode
  • Official municipality code and former municipality names
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • If born abroad: country of birth
  • Gender
  • Nationalities
  • Marital status
  • Date of moving into the flat
  • Date of change of residence status
  • Information on voluntary registration in the population register
  • Date of registration with the registration office
  • Date of notification of change of residence status
  • Date of moving to the municipality
  • Date of moving to the district
  • Date of last immigration from abroad to the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Country of origin for immigration from abroad
  • if moving from within Germany within the reporting year: last previous place of residence, postcode, official municipality code and previous municipality names
  • Identification number in accordance with Section 1 of the Identification Number Act of 28 March 2021 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 591), transitionally the identification number for tax purposes in accordance with Section 139b(3)(1) of the Fiscal Code including the provisional processing feature of the registration authorities

Data is transmitted within four weeks of the reporting date.

(2) Of the data transmitted pursuant to paragraph 1, the data on the characteristics pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1 numbers 4, 6 to 12 and 16 to 20 shall be recorded as survey characteristics and the data pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1 numbers 1 to 3, 13 to 15 and 21 as auxiliary characteristics. Of the date of birth in accordance with paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 5, the month and year data are recorded as survey characteristics and the day data as auxiliary characteristics.

(3) The auxiliary characteristics shall be separated from the survey characteristics at the earliest possible date and kept or stored separately. The data on the auxiliary characteristics pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1 numbers 2 and 21 and the date of birth pursuant to paragraph 1 sentence 1 number 5 shall be deleted after completion of the multiple case verification pursuant to Section 5 paragraph 1, but no later than three years after the reference date. The data on the auxiliary characteristics in accordance with paragraph 1 sentence 1 numbers 1 and 3 and numbers 13 to 15 must be deleted after the processing has been completed, but no later than four years after the reference date.

(4) The statistical offices of the Länder shall check the transmitted data for conclusiveness, completeness and completeness within 16 weeks of the respective cut-off date for data transmission in accordance with paragraph 1 and the provision of the technical infrastructure required for processing and shall transmit them to the Federal Statistical Office.

(5) In order to clarify any queries, the transmitted data must be retained by the registration authorities and deleted 20 weeks after the respective reference date.


State regulations - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Within the scope of their responsibilities, the registration authorities transmit individual data listed in the respective federal state to certain data recipients in their federal state as authorised by law. These regular data transfers take place on an ad hoc basis.

With regard to the information for which event-related data transfers are made in accordance with state law, we refer to the state-specific provisions of the Implementation Act to the Federal Registration Act and the ordinance on regular data transfers of the state.

The legal basis is taken from the Ordinance on Regular Data Transmission by the Reporting Authorities - Reporting Data Transmission Ordinance (MeldDÜVO M-V).

Country-specific data recipients and the types of data to be transmitted to them to fulfil the tasks specified in the respective laws and regulations


Data from the population register in accordance with § 4 MeldDÜVO M-V

Authorities responsible for honouring retirement and marriage anniversaries

Data from the population register in accordance with § 5 MeldDÜVO M-V

Tax offices

Data from the population register in accordance with § 6 MeldDÜVO M-V

Aliens authorities

Data from the population register in accordance with § 7 MeldDÜVO M-V

Police authorities

Data from the population register in accordance with § 8 MeldDÜVO M-V

Pension offices

Data from the population register in accordance with § 10 MeldDÜVO M-V

Mayors of neighbouring municipalities

Data from the population register in accordance with § 11 MeldDÜVO M-V

State Statistical Office

Data from the population register in accordance with § 12 MeldDÜVO M-V

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