Information in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 - GDPR

Registry office Mönchgut-Granitz

When collecting personal data, the GDPR requires information to be provided on how this data is handled.

Description of the processing activity

The registry office records your civil status data (including name, date of birth, parentage) in registers and files. Documents and certificates are issued and information is provided on this basis. In addition, your data will be processed if this is necessary for leaving a church, religious community or ideological community.

Responsible for the processing of the data

Amt Mönchgut-Granitz
Registry Office
Göhrener Weg 1
18586 Ostseebad Baabe

Purposes of data processing

  • Examination of the marriage requirements and co-operation in the marriage / conversion of a civil partnership into a marriage
  • Notarisation of civil status cases in the civil status registers (marriages, conversions of civil partnerships into marriages, births, deaths, name changes)
  • Issuing certificates from the civil status registers
  • Informing public bodies designated by law about civil status cases
  • Enabling the use of civil status registers by authorities, courts and private individuals in the cases defined in §§ 61 ff. of the Civil Status Act
  • Acceptance of the declaration of withdrawal from the church

Legal basis for data processing

  • Civil Status Act (PStG)
  • Civil Status Ordinance (PStV)
  • International regulations, if applicable
  • General Administrative Regulation on the Civil Status Act (PStG-VwV)
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Church Tax Act (KiStG M-V)

Consequences of non-provision of data by the data subject

In accordance with Sections 9 and 10 of the Civil Status Act, you are obliged to provide the data requested by the registry office depending on the civil status case. Otherwise, the requested official act cannot be carried out.

Anyone who is obliged under the Civil Status Act to report a civil status event (birth, death) or to take other actions can be ordered to do so by the registry office by means of a penalty payment in accordance with Section 69 of the Civil Status Act.

Personal data that is processed (transaction data)

  • Names: First and last name, maiden name, married name
  • Dates of birth: Date of birth, place of birth, country of birth
  • other personal data: registry office of birth, religious affiliation, birth registration number, marital status, nationality, proof of nationality, proof of identity, documents submitted, gender
  • Marriage, civil partnership: date of marriage/premarriage, place of marriage/premarriage, registry office or other authorities of the marriage/premarriage, register number of the marriage/ civil partnership/premarriage, registry office of the family register/family register of the parents
  • Death: date of death, place of death, registry office of death, registration number of death, details of guardianship, care, support
  • Home: postcode, place of residence, street, house number, district, county, state
  • Leaving the church: date of baptism, place of baptism, name of the parish, parish, church register number, church register year
  • Effective date: change of name, leaving the church, dissolution of marriage

If the data was not collected from the data subject (Art. 14 GDPR)

Information on the source of the personal data and, if applicable, whether it originates from publicly accessible sources:

  • Electronic civil status register
  • Budget and cash programme
  • Population register, register of foreigners
  • Courts, hospitals, notaries, nursing homes, prisons, children's homes, funeral parlours, police and public prosecutor's office (death)

Recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data

Registry office data may only be passed on if this is permitted by law. The registry offices are obliged by law (in particular Sections 57 to 62 PStV) to pass on
personal data to the following public bodies under certain conditions:

  • Domestic registry offices
  • Registration office
  • Youth welfare office
  • Guardianship court
  • Family court
  • Tax office
  • Administrative authority
  • Local court
  • Probate court
  • Church bookkeeper
  • State Statistical Office
  • Cemetery administration
  • Index of wills/main index for wills

Other data transfers

In individual cases, personal data may also be passed on to the recipients named in Sections 61 et seq. of the Personal Status Act. As well as in individual cases for investigative activities prior to notarisation (Section 5 PStV), e.g. to the immigration authorities, registration authorities, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Central Immigration Office, local court, higher regional court.

Duration of storage

Transaction data (see "Categories of personal data" above):
Once a register entry has been successfully transferred to the electronic civil status register, the transaction data is deleted locally after 120 days (4 months).

Log data:
Retrieval logs of the data exchange and the search directories are kept for 120 days (4 months).

Notarisation data:
The data recorded in registers must be stored permanently. They must be offered to the archive for transfer together with the data in the associated files after 30, 80 or 110 years, depending on the type of civil status procedure.

Information on data subject rights

Every person affected by data processing has the following rights in particular under the GDPR:

  1. Right to information about the personal data stored about you and its processing (Art. 15 GDPR).
  2. Right to data rectification if your data is incorrect or incomplete (Art. 16 GDPR). You can exercise this right in accordance with Sections 47 to 63 of the Personal Status Act.
  3. Right to erasure of the personal data stored about you if one of the conditions of Art. 17 GDPR applies. The right to erasure of personal data does not exist in addition to the exceptions mentioned in Art. 17 para. 3 GDPR if erasure is not possible or only possible with disproportionate effort due to the special type of storage. In these cases, the restriction of processing pursuant to Art. 18 GDPR takes the place of erasure.
  4. Right to restriction of data processing if the data has been processed unlawfully, the data is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims of the data subject or, in the event of an objection, it has not yet been established whether the interests of the registry office outweigh those of the data subject (Art. 18 para. 1 lit. b, c and d GDPR). If the accuracy of the personal data is disputed, there is a right to restriction of processing for the duration of the accuracy check.
  5. Right to object to certain data processing, unless there is an overriding public interest in the processing that outweighs the interests of the data subject and there is no legal obligation to process the data (Art. 21 GDPR).
  6. Right of revocation: If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future.

Right of appeal

Every data subject has the right to lodge a complaint if they believe that their personal data is being processed unlawfully. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.
Schloss Schwerin
Lennéstraße 1
19053 Schwerin
Phone: 0385 / 564594-0

Contact details of the data protection officer

Zweckverband elektronische Verwaltung M-V
Joint Data Protection Officer
Eckdrift 103
19061 Schwerin
Telephone: 0385 / 773347-51
Fax: 0385 / 773347-28

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