Information on commercial matters

  • Trade adverts

    Trade registration/trade notification/trade deregistration in accordance with Section 14 of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO)

    Anyone starting the independent operation of a permanent business, a branch office or a dependent branch office must notify the competent authority at the same time.

    The same applies if

    • the business is relocated,
    • the object of the trade is changed or extended to goods or services that are not customary in the trade of the registered type, or
    • the operation is discontinued.
  • Restaurants and events

    Restaurant licence in accordance with Section 2 of the German Restaurant Act (GastG)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, proof of training from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, if applicable, rental agreement, floor plan, site plan, statement from the district food inspection authority.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), proof of training from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Deputy licence according to § 9 German Restaurant Act (GastG)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, training certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (from the deputy)

    Authorisation in accordance with Section 12 of the German Catering Act (GastG)

    For special reasons, the operation of a catering business requiring a licence may be temporarily permitted on revocation under simplified conditions.

    What documents are required?

    The completed application for authorisation must be received by the office at least 2 weeks before the start of the event.

    Market authorisation in accordance with Section 69 of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register and certificate in tax matters from the organiser, site plan, list of suppliers, list of goods on offer, proof of insurance, lease agreement if applicable, time schedule.

  • Travelling trade

    Travelling trade licence in accordance with Section 55 of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a travelling trade licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Organisation of a hiking camp in accordance with Section 56 a of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO)

    The organisation of a travelling camp for the distribution of goods or services must be notified to the authority responsible for the location of the event 2 weeks before the start of the event.

    The advert must contain the following:

    • the place and time of the event,
    • the name of the organiser and of the person for whose account the goods or services are sold, as well as the residence or commercial establishment of these persons,
    • the wording and nature of the intended public announcements.
  • Other licences

    Exhibition of persons in accordance with Section 33 a of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, floor plan of the business premises.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Authorisation to install gaming devices in accordance with Section 33 c of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, certificate of suitability of the installation site.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Authorisation to organise other games with the possibility of winning in accordance with Section 33 d of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Gaming arcade licence in accordance with Section 33 i of the Industrial Code (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, floor plan of the business premises.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Pawnbroker's licence in accordance with § 34 of the Trade Regulations (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, floor plan of the business premises, proof of insurance.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Security guard licence according to § 34 a Gewerbeordnung (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters, proof of insurance, certificate of expertise from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, list of employed persons.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

    Broker's licence according to § 34 c Trade Regulation Act (GewO)

    What documents are required?

    Fully and correctly completed application form, certificate of good conduct, extract from the central trade register, certificate in tax matters.

    In the case of partnerships (e.g. GbR or OHG), each partner must apply for a licence and submit the above-mentioned documents.

    For legal entities (e.g. GmbH): extract from the commercial register (only from the legal entity), extract from the central trade register, a certificate in tax matters (from the managing director as a natural person and from the legal entity), certificate of good conduct (only from the managing director as a natural person)

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